Friday 18 April 2014

Saturday Morning Thoughts: Success Tips

Becoming successful in life is simple, but not easy. The steps to take are usually clear for all to see and take, but few take it. Knowing what to do alone is never enough, in fact some people get excited and carried away by what they know and their dream for a better life that they forget to put in the hard work required. Here are a few personal tips:

1. Know yourself: Knowing yourself means you know your strengths and challenges, your passion, your likes and dislikes, your values and most importantly, your purpose. When you discover why you are here, it is a big first step to reaching your destiny and becoming successful.

2. Passion: Do what you love and love what you do. Passion is what fuels your talent, your dream and your purpose. I am yet to see a successful person in anything who was not passionate about what he or she was doing. Passion is what will prevent you from giving up when things are tough. Passion is what fuels the fire inside of you.

3. Vision: You need to know where you are going to get there. Success is not an accident, it is a destination. Vision is not just having an exciting dream, vision is having a dream plus a strategy for achieving it.

4. Develop Yourself: You have to constantly learn everyday. As kids, we start from kindergarten, then move on to primary school, then secondary, then university. You will agree with me that the knowledge set that promotes you from primary 1 to 2 is not the same as that which promotes you from 2 to 3. What this means is that the knowledge or skill that brought you to this present level may not be enough to take you to the next level. You have to keep updating yourself, find out what's new, what better ways can you do what you do. You have to be prepared for opportunity.

5. Network: You have to cultivate friendships with people that can add value to your life. I believe strongly in destiny helpers and it is by networking the right way that you will meet these people. Also, people are more likely to do business with their friends, particularly when they are competent. You also have to cultivate the right personality. The key question is this: If you were somebody else, would you want to be your own friend?

6. Integrity: The older I grow, the more I understand the importance of integrity. I used to look at it as just one of those fancy words that motivational speakers use. I was wrong and so are many of us. You must stand by your words.  People must know what to expect from you. I don't know of anyone who would like to do business with an unreliable and untrustworthy person.

7. Tap into the supernatural: I believe there is a supernatural force that propels man. Mine is God. Tap into yours, whatever it is.

8. Get the required resources: Farmers need machetes and hoes. What do you need? People? Get it.

9. Differentiate: What unique thing are you bringing to the table? What is your unique selling proposition? Men are wired to follow, to maintain the status quo. The few who break the norm are the successful ones, and that is why they are few. It is not about inequitable distribution of wealth, it is the lack of men who are willing to stand out.

10. Quit the blame and excuse game: Stop blaming your circumstances, your family background, your educational level, your country's economy. Great people achieve greatness inspite of their circumstances and challenges.  Do not be the victim, be the victor.

 11. Never Give Up: Idea is not the problem. There are millions of unsuccessful people with brilliant ideas. One of my favourite quotes is by Calvin Coolidge. He says '' Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of human race.'' The easiest way to avoid giving up is to do what you love and that which you are called to do which is your purpose.

These are just a few tips of mine and nothing is cast in stone. There might be a few others, but I personally believe in the above.

Enjoy your weekend.

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